Thursday, June 18, 2015

Spotlight on: Capitol Duct Cleaning

There are a lot of moving parts to a healthy home, and some of those parts go unnoticed until a problem arises. Parts of your home like air ducts, vents, and furnaces work from behind the scenes to keep your home comfortable and clean. But, who can you trust to take care of cleaning your home’s HVAC system?
We recommend Capitol Duct Cleaning! Based out of Olympia, and serving Pierce and Thurston counties, they can be at your doorstep ready to help when needed! For many homeowners, they don’t realize the significance of having your airways cleaned until they see the before and afters. The truth is, a lack of maintenance can lead to severe air contamination, which is recognized as a serious indoor air quality issue. This can lead to even more pressing issues such as mold growth, and can impact your family’s health. Other advantages to having your air ducts regularly cleaned include energy efficiency and a better room temperature. You’ll end up spending money either way - wouldn’t you rather spend it on good maintenance, than higher electric bills?
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So when do you need to have them cleaned? Anytime renovations happen dust is circulated through the air, and it’s a good time to clean them out. Your lifestyle will have an impact on this too. Anything that impacts your breathable air will impact your airflow systems, including smoking, pets, and illness. At a minimum, if you haven’t had it cleaned in a couple years, you should!
But wait: Airflow is a big deal, isn’t it? How can you know which company to trust? A good air duct cleaning company will be fully licensed, fully insured, a member of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association, certified with NADCA and HVAC systems, and come recommended by previous clients. Why do we recommend Capitol Duct Cleaning? Because they meet all these criteria!
The question to ask is: Are you confident the air you’ve been breathing is clean? If not, it’s time to give Capitol Duct Cleaning a call! At Responsible Contractors, we aim to bring you the best in each industry. We proudly recommend Capitol Duct Cleaning for all your air duct cleaning needs! To read more about them, and see other companies we recommend, visit us online at

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